Innovative New Medical Options
Dr. Mikhail Higgins performs first uterine artery emobolization at Doctors Hospital
Many fibroid sufferers over the years, opt to live with their fibroids, rather than take advantage of the options that were previously available to them, but Dr. Mikhail Higgins is providing a fourth option through which women can reliably be treated, minimally invasively.
Higgins performed the first uterine artery emobolization (fibroids and adenomyosis) for symptomatic fibroid management one week ago in New Providence at Doctors Hospital on Janelle Sands. In the treatment, fibroids are treated through their blood supply from a two to three-millimeter incision in the skin without surgery, reducing blood flow to them. It’s a uterus-saving procedure that offers quicker recover than surgery. Continue reading “Innovative New Medical Options”
Dr. Mikhail Higgins On Our News
One of the most common surgeries in The Bahamas is the removal of uterine fibroids. Chances are you or someone you know has been diagnosed with fibroids, but now a non-surgical option is available locally. Kristina Dragovich reports on the country’s first Interventional Radiologist, Dr. Mikhail Higgins. Through his collaboration with Family Medicine Center, Dr. Higgins is providing innovative new medical techniques, previously unavailable in The Bahamas.