Dr. Carter Encourages Colon Cancer Screening

Start Early With Colonoscopy Screening To Prevent Cancer And Remain ‘Gut Healthy’

As March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month and colon cancer is the third most common cancer that affects both men and women in the Bahamas, the Gastroenterology Clinic (TGC) is seeking to increase awareness with special presentations to church and community groups, as well as to the medical community.

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Gastroenterologist: Be Your Brother’s Keeper

Dr. Flloyd Carter urges people to get their colon checks during awareness month as part of health maintenance

Everyone must be their brother’s keeper, and if you care about someone, you should ensure their health is taken care of. According to gastroenterologist Dr. Flloyd Carter, screening is a part of health maintenance, and during Colon Cancer Awareness Month, everyone age 45 and older should be screened for colon cancer.

“Everyone has a colon, so everyone (men and women) is potentially at risk for colon cancer. And even though everybody is at risk, colon cancer is preventable. We [medical professionals] typically quote that 90 percent of colorectal deaths were preventable, so this is a cancer that we could potentially eradicate or reduce significantly, if screening is done appropriately.” Continue reading “Gastroenterologist: Be Your Brother’s Keeper”

Nighttime Urination May Be A Sign Of Uncontrolled Hypertension

Waking up to urinate multiple times could lead to disruptive sleep and daytime fatigue with reduced productivity. Excessive nighttime urination may also be an important warning sign of serious medical conditions such as uncontrolled hypertension or an enlarged, obstructive prostate in men.

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