ACE Diabetes thanks all sponsors, vendors, contributors, participants, volunteers and attendees. The expo was a spectacular success. Watch this space for photos and video of the event. Soon to come!
ACE Diabetes Health Expo: 11•30•2019
Blood sugar, A1C, blood pressure, and cholesterol – there are many numbers you should know. Your health is counting on it, and we’re counting on you to come to the ACE Diabetes Health Expo on Saturday November 30 from 10am to 2pm at Baha Mar. Our theme is Know Your Numbers.
Why do the numbers matter?
Because an alarming number of Bahamians are living with diabetes and an alarming number don’t even know they have it. The International Diabetes Foundation reported that The Bahamas has about 35,000 cases of people living with diabetes – and this number does not include people who are pre-diabetic.
November is Diabetes Awareness Month
This month, ACE Diabetes is challenging you to know your numbers and, if necessary, take steps to improve your numbers. Can we count on you?
We want to see you on at the expo on Saturday November 30!
Everyone Is Going To Be Here: Are You?
Some of the sponsors and contributors behind the ACE Diabetes Health Expo have a message for you!