
Golden Heart Award: Call For Nominations

The Sir Victor Sassoon (Bahamas) Heart Foundation and The Heart Ball Committee announced that nominations were being accepted for the 50th Lady Sassoon Golden Heart Award. The deadline for nominations has been extended to Friday, January 23rd, 2015.

The Lady Sassoon Golden Heart Award was initiated by The Heart Foundation to applaud and give recognition to individuals who have selflessly given of themselves, to promote human welfare and dignity, thus making life better for their fellow men.

Oftentimes, these individuals go unrecognized by the wider community for their efforts; they don’t ask for anything in return for their generosity. In most cases, they go beyond the call of duty, working outside of their normal scope of work, to impact our nation’s social, educational, health and economic systems.

The 50th Lady Sassoon Golden Heart Award will be presented at the 51st Annual Heart Ball. Under the patronage of Her Excellency Dame Marguerite Pindling, Governor General, and The Right Honourable Perry Gladstone Christie, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, and Mrs. Bernadette Christie, the 2014 / 2015 Heart Ball Committee will host the 51st Annual Heart Ball on Saturday, February 14, 2015.

The Annual Heart Ball is the major fund-raiser to aid The Sir Victor Sassoon (Bahamas) Heart Foundation. The funds raised from this event help to repair the hearts of children, who can not ordinarily afford heart care.

The theme for this Ball is, “Affairs of the Heart….Sustaining Heart Beats, One at a Time”. The public is encouraged to help to repair a child’s heart, while spending Valentine’s with family and friends at the Annual Heart Ball.

One of the highlights of the evening is the presentation of the Lady Sassoon Golden Heart Award. Additionally, guests can look forward to an evening filled with love, laughter, fine foods, dancing, prizes and surprises. There will be live band and orchestral performances by the S-G Band and The RBDF Dance Band. Guests can conclude the evening by dancing to special music by Gary “Super” Johnson.

The public can submit nominations, to be accompanied by a letter or statement explaining why the person recommended should receive the award. Nominations are to be submitted to:

The Golden Heart Award Committee
P. O. Box N-8189
Nassau, The Bahamas

Alternatively, submissions can be hand delivered to Grosham Property, EVES, Cable Beach. This is the office site for The Sir Victor Sassoon (Bahamas) Heart Foundation.

The Deadline for nominations is Friday, January 23rd, 2015.

For more information on The Annual Heart Ball or The Lady Sassoon Golden Heart Award please visit or call 327-0806.


Holiday Hours


Family Medicine Center
and Diabetes Education Network
will be closed for the holidays as follows:


The office will close half day at 12noon on:
Tuesday December 23
Wednesday December 24

The office will be closed:
Thursday December 25
Friday December 26, 2014

The office will re-open Monday December 29 at 8:30am


The office will close half day at 12noon on Wednesday December 31

and will be closed on Thursday January 1 and Friday January 2, 2015

The office will re-open Monday January 5, 2015 at 8:30am

We wish you
A Merry Christmas
A Happy, Prosperous New Year