
Portrait Collection Highlights Positive Bahamian Spirit


The Salus Project announces the opening of The Bahamian Collection exhibition on Thursday, December 4th, 2014 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.

The collection of classic, dramatic black-and-white legacy portraits that will be exhibited are part of the Bahamian Project’s first year body of work created by photographer, and Bahamian Project founder, Duke Wells.

The Bahamian Project was created to capture the spirit of the people of The Bahamas. The body of photographs produced in the first year – “The Bahamian Collection” – comprises about 60 classic black-&-white portraits of Bahamians and made a spectacular debut at the National Art Gallery of the Bahamas as part of the Bahamas’ 40th Independence anniversary celebrations. Approximately 24 of those legacy portraits will be exhibited at The Salus Project Gallery from December 4th and into the new year.

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Bahamian Collection Comes To The Salus Gallery


The Salus Project announces the opening of The Bahamian Collection exhibition on Thursday, December 4th, 2014 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.

The collection of classic, dramatic black-and-white legacy portraits that will be exhibited are part of the Bahamian Project’s first year body of work created by photographer, and Bahamian Project founder, Duke Wells.

The Bahamian Project was created to capture the spirit of the people of The Bahamas. The body of photographs produced in the first year – “The Bahamian Collection” – comprises about 60 classic black-&-white portraits of Bahamians and made a spectacular debut at the National Art Gallery of the Bahamas as part of the Bahamas’ 40th Independence anniversary celebrations. Approximately 24 of those legacy portraits will be exhibited at The Salus Project Gallery from December 4th and into the new year.

“It’s a celebration of the good in our society. This Collection has put faces to the spirit that makes us Bahamian – these are but a few of the many Bahamians that reflect that spirit,” said project manager, Lisa Wells.

bahamian-collection-dukewells-2402sThe photographic portraits being exhibited are of men and women from all walks of life, who together represent the heart, soul and spirit of the Bahamian character.

On display, along with the portraits, will be several of the behind-the-scenes snapshots taken during photo sessions.

The Bahamian Project, now in its second year, is no longer the photographic mission of just one man. The Project has been expanded into an umbrella of over a dozen photographers spread throughout The Bahamas to capture the soul and spirit of the nation’s population.

The portrait images will remain on display for three months at The Salus Project Gallery, which is located in the new Family Medicine Center building on Blake Road. Both the opening reception and the continuing exhibition are free and open to the public.

“The Salus Project focuses on the positive aspects of art and the community,” said Anita Cates, who founded the Salus Project, along with her husband Dr. Graham Cates.

“We have presented numerous shows over the past years, many centered around health, wellness and bettering our society. ‘Salus’ means wellness. The Bahamian Collection is a perfect fit as it is a very positive initiative that highlights the good in our society. It is our second exhibition since expanding into our new state-of-the-art facilities and we invite everyone to come out and see it.”

For more information on The Bahamian Project, or the exhibition opening on Thursday December 4, 2014 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at The Salus Project Gallery, visit the official website at