
5 Things Your Feet Can Tell You About Your Health

Your feet can tell you more about your overall health than you think. Your feet often show symptoms of disease or problems before any other part of your body.

Hairless Toes
No hair on your feet can indicate poor circulation as a result of vascular disease. See a doctor about improving your circulation and getting your vascular health in check.

A Sore That Won’t Go Away
Sores on your feet that just don’t heal can indicate that you are at risk for diabetes. Elevated blood glucose levels over time can lead to nerve damage in the feet, so you might not even feel an ulcer on the bottom of your foot. Check your feet because if untreated, this can lead to serious consequences, including amputation.

Cold Feet
Women in particular experience cold feet. It could be nothing but it could also be a sign of an “underfunctioning” thyroid problem, which is the gland that regulates temperature and metabolism. Poor circulation is another possible cause for both men and women.

Foot Cramps
Foot cramps (charley horses) can be triggered by exercise or dehydration. However , if they occur frequently it could mean your diet lacks sufficient calcium, potassium, or magnesium. Pregnant women in the third trimester are especially vulnerable due to increased blood volume and reduced circulation to the feet.

Flexing the foot and gentle massage can help. Stretching gently before bed may help prevent cramps.

Thick Yellow Toenails
A toenail that has thickened, changed color, and separated from the skin, is probably a sign that you have a fungal infection beneath the toenail. By the time it has become visibly unattractive, the infection is advanced enough to spread to all your toenails and even fingernails. People with diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and other immune deficiencies may be more susceptible than others in contracting toenail fungus. See a foot specialist or your regular physician for care and treatment.

Big Toe Gets Bigger
Gout could be the reason behind a big toe that suddenly becomes enlarged. Though often thought of as an senior disease you don’t have to be over 65 to get it. It is actually a form of arthritis and is caused by the build up of the natural substance, uric acid.

The uric acid builds up and forms needle-like crystals in the body part with the lowest temperature… your big toe. Gout can also occur in the instep of your foot, your Achilles tendon, knees, and your elbows.

Shooting Pain In The Heel
If you experience a shooting pain in your heel it might be a sign of plantar fasciitis – which means the band of connective tissue running along the bottom of your foot is inflamed. The pain starts with your first steps in the morning and often intensifies throughout the day.


Exercise And Your Hair

A study, published in the Archives of Dermatology, showed about 40 percent of women skip exercising because they don’t want to mess up their hair.

Okay I know, your hair is important. Who wants to get it messed up during exercise. But really, can your hair come before your health? Watch the video for a few quick tips…

Healthy, beautiful hair can be easily attained when a woman’s body is healthy. While many factors attribute to health, exercise improves circulation, strengthens the body and helps to balance hormone levels.

Hormone imbalance can lead to all sorts of hair problems, like too much hair growth or hair loss. But conditions like poor circulation or diabetes can also cause hair loss. That’s why it is important to stay active throughout your life to protect your health and keep you feeling and looking your best.

Cardio exercises that increase the heart rate for at least 20 minutes, improve circulation by speeding up the flow of blood throughout the body. This blood flow gives oxygen to all of the cells thus improving the health and condition of every part of the body, including the hair.

While excessive exercise has been blamed for certain types of hair loss, a healthy exercise program will promote health and fitness for the entire body.

Black Hair and Exercise

Exercise is great for your health. But if you are African American, it’s not so great on your hair.

Don’t exercise with your hair under a scarf or hat, especially if you are prone to heavy sweating. This only causes more irritation to your finished results by locking in moisture, leaving your hair wet. Cotton scarves, hats, headbands can cause friction on your hairline, which over time can lead to breakage. If you use something to hold your hair in place, use satin or silk – materials better suited for your hair.

Straightened Hair? Wrapping it up with a breathable hair net will work best. This keeps your hair in place, while allowing the perspiration and heat created at the scalp area during exercise to escape. It’s also best to keep your hair tied up until your scalp area has fully dried.

Curly Hair? Pin curling your hair while you exercise and leaving them in place until your scalp dries will help your curls’ durability.

Ponytails for Working Out? Be sure to move the position of the ponytail around; keeping your ponytail in the same spot may cause breakage over time.

Hair extensions? Thoroughly rinse and shampoo your scalp area on the last day of your weekly exercise routine. It’s important to note that the base of your hair extensions should be completely dry before styling in any manner.

Natural, but Pressed? Tie a two-inch wide satin band around the hairline while working out and leave it in place until the hairline dries; this will help keep that area smooth.

You want to look good while you’re exercising but at the end of the day, exercise is far more important. 

Remember, it’s about being healthy because that’s what makes you beautiful.



A Visual Guide About Understanding Strokes

What Is a Stroke?

Stroke is a medical emergency and a leading cause of death. It occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts or, more commonly, when a blockage develops. Without treatment, cells in the brain quickly begin to die. The result can be serious disability or death. If a loved one is having stroke symptoms, seek emergency medical attention without delay.

Stroke Symptoms
Signs of a stroke may include:

  •     Sudden numbness or weakness of the body, especially on one side.
  •     Sudden vision changes in one or both eyes, or difficulty swallowing.
  •     Sudden, severe headache with unknown cause.
  •     Sudden problems with dizziness, walking, or balance.
  •     Sudden confusion, difficulty speaking or understanding others.

Stroke Test: Talk, Wave, Smile

The F.A.S.T. test helps spot symptoms. It stands for:

Face. Ask for a smile. Does one side droop?

Arms. When raised, does one side drift down?

Speech. Can the person repeat a simple sentence? Does he or she have trouble or slur words?

Time. Time is critical. Call 911 immediately if any symptoms are present.

Stroke: Time = Brain Damage

Every second counts when seeking treatment for a stroke. When deprived of oxygen, brain cells begin dying within minutes. There are clot-busting drugs that can curb brain damage, but they have to be used within three hours of the initial stroke symptoms. Once brain tissue has died, the body parts controlled by that area won’t work properly. This is why stroke is a top cause of long-term disability.

Watch the slide show, find out what you need to know