
Boogie To The Beat Promotes A Healthy Lifestyle

The recent Boogie to the Beat event hosted by ACE Diabetes, Club One and The Bahamas Heart Association achieved its goal to bring awareness to Diabetes and Heart Disease, whilst having fun and getting fit. On Saturday, February 23 Bahamians of all ages came out to the New Providence Community Center and boogied, learning new fun dance moves and routines under the guidance of instructors from Club One.

View more photos from the event on the ACE Diabetes website

Prostate Exam: What To Expect

How is a prostate exam done?
Sheldon Marks, MD explains in this video.

The reason we do a prostate exam is obviously to feel for any irregularities, any nodules, any areas of firmness, anything that doesn’t make sense. At the same time we’re doing that we’re also looking for any rectal wall abnormalities because that can be an early warning sign for cancer, and we’re also looking for blood which that can be an early warning sign of a colon cancer higher up.