Fibroids & Uterine Artery Embolization: One Woman’s Experience

Tamisha Knowles shares her personal life-changing experience in treating her fibroids without surgery. The Uterine Artery Embolization procedure is a safe, minimally-invasive, innovative treatment for fibroids available in the Bahamas since July 2021 through Dr. Mikhail Higgins at Family Medicine Center.
It was winter 2016 during my routine annual checkup when I mentioned to Dr. Graham Cates and Dr. Tonya Roker-Davis about the excessive bleeding I was experiencing every menstrual cycle. The only way I could describe it to them was to say it felt like a water hydrant pouring out of me, non-stop.
I had become so accustomed to this, that I just accepted it as my normal.
However, this particular examination revealed that my blood levels were lower than usual, which raised concerns by my doctors. Dr. Cates immediately ordered a scan to take a closer look at what was driving so much blood loss.
After being scanned, it was discovered that I had three ‘cherry tomato’ fibroids. As a result, there were numerous conversations regarding the various treatments available . But Dr. Cates’ first course of action was bringing my blood levels up via intravenous B12 Infusions for a series of three days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). I followed their instructions in maintaining a high-level blood count as I felt none of the surgical options were a good fit for me. Additionally, in my mind, the fibroids were small right so there was no imminent danger.
So, I thought! Continue reading “Fibroids & Uterine Artery Embolization: One Woman’s Experience”

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A colonoscopy is the only screening that can also actually prevent cancer. Colonoscopy is a painless, outpatient procedure. If polyps are found during the procedure, they can often be removed at the same time. Colon cancer should scare you, but a colonoscopy should not. Now is the time.
Don’t let embarrassment or fear prevent you from getting a colonoscopy, you may regret it later. Colon cancer is preventable, and treatable – if detected early – but can be deadly if left unchecked. What you don’t know CAN hurt you – knowledge is power! Our medical team is experienced, professional, and compassionate. Book your colonoscopy today.